Celebrating over a Decade of the Long Beach Open Studio Tour

Long Beach Open Studio Tour boosts the visibility of Long Beach artists and enhances community participation through its annual artist studio tour. 


In 2009, the Executive Director of the Arts Council for Long Beach visited Lisa Wibroe’s studio during the Mid-City Studio Tour. As Craig Watson was developing October is Arts Month for the City of Long Beach, he asked Lisa if a studio tour could be held annually as opposed to biennially and the annual Long Beach Open Studio Tour was born! Working together, Lisa and fellow artist Tina Burnight, grew the event each year. In 2021, Lisa and Tina passed the torch to Javier Sola and his wife, Cherie, to continue the tradition. 

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to enhance the Long Beach Artist community by introducing artists and patrons to each other while providing an interesting way to explore our city!  


This free event is made possible by the artists and generous donations from individuals, organizations, and businesses within the Long Beach community.