

Word of mouth, mailed letters, personal invites, email blasts, social media posts, printed flyers/maps/brochures are valuable tools to promote your studio and the tour. Which tools you choose to use can vary depending on your audience. But together, the goal is to execute on enough of these tools to capture an audience that we otherwise could not accomplish on our own.

For the artists:

  1. It is each participating artist’s responsibility to help share and promote the tour.  
  2. It is ok to make your own promotional material (see example images at bottom of this page).
  3. We ask that artists not modify the LBOST logo, core dates and times of the tour.

LBOST will:

  1. Maintain namesake email blasts and social media accounts. Our digital promotional material will be available to you by visiting &
  2. Provide artists with a limited amount of yard signs and printed maps (“brochures”).

We are continuing the promotional strategy that we call “hyper local.” We’ll be prioritizing our local Long Beach audience first. We really want to get our next door neighbor, the folks that live down the street, and in the city to come visit us! 

With that in mind we recommend the below signage strategy:

We are recommending that artists place a large yard sign (18×24) at either end of your block, in traffic circles nearby, and/or heavily trafficked areas in your neighborhood for at least a few days ahead of your tour weekend (longer if you see fit). Modifications and additions to the yard sign is allowed, including: directional signage such as arrows or an address.  The small yard sign (12×18) should be posted at your address on the day of the tour. If you have participated in previous years, please reuse your yard signs.   

Limit of two large (18×24) and one small (12×18) yard sign per artist. 

Example images below of social media and physical signs previously created by LBOST participating artists.